Sunday 27 February 2011

Little Luas adventure

The morning looked very promising so L and I decided to go on a little outing. The new Luas extension (tram from Dublin city centre) now brings people all the way to Brides Glen through some of the leftover nature on the city's southern flank. We had a bit of trouble finding a walk; you actually need to get off two stops before the end at Laughanstown. Luckily the Luas driver helped us out.

From the station an old country road leads towards the M50 motorway, past a few Irish crosses and a very old abandoned cemetery. This must be where the people from the settlement of Laughan are buried.

Via a new high road bridge we crossed the M50, towards a decidedly rural area; it smelled strongly of cows although we didn't see any. The views are lovely, with the sea to the east and the mountains in the south and while the motorway hums in the background you still get a sense of how far out of the city this once must have been.

We spent about an hour wandering around the fields before heading back by modern public transport towards busier parts of the city.

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