Friday 22 July 2011

I'm reading all sorts at the moment, mainly in bursts and supported by the long-drawn out enjoyment of Sara Bakewell's biography of Michel Montaigne, How to live. You wouldn't want to find out how to crack that eternal question in one weekend surely? So mixed with Justin Cartwright's To heaven by water and Giuttari's A death in Calabria I get the right balance of existential insights and undulated entertainment.

Dun Laoghaire Regatta

As a novice blogger I completely didn't think about the fact that my exploits in the Dun Laoghaire Regatta would be interesting to include here. So, two weeks after the event (at which Frank and myself did rather well), here are a few impressions of the IDRA 14's from and

Friday 10 June 2011

Patrick Leigh Fermor

Patrick Leigh Fermor died today aged 96. He lived such a well-filled, fascinating life. 'A dangerous mixture of sophistication and recklessness' someone said about him. I won't begin to relate all the daring adventures or describe the lovely writing, especially about his trans-European walking trip in the 30's - I only relatively recently 'discovered' him through Justin Marozzi's The man who invented history. I greatly enjoyed reading his travel stories in Words of Mercury and his correspondence with Deborah Devonshire, In Tearing Haste. A great advertisement for old age!

New collage

Finished this one a while ago.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Dolphins in Dublin Bay

Yesterday evening, while sailing in Scotsman's Bay in Dun Laoghaire, we saw (at least) two dolphins, jumping out of the water simultaneously! They were light grey and seemed to play together and with one of the rescue boats. What an unexpected treat!

Stuck with this collage

I'm working on a collage using photos of mosaics from diffrent places on a small box. Lovely colours. I've ordered recordable chips because I want a Syriana / Radio Tarifa type sound when I open the box, fusion of middle eastern / spanish / Turkish. Problem is that it is all becoming too pretty - I'm thinking that I need to place the box in a context, maybe a large black and white mountain?